Dutch Elm Disease - 2024

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Economic Development, Investment and Trade, and Natural Resources

Subject: Manitoba Forestry and Peatlands Branch - Dutch Elm Disease and Elm Firewood Surveys/Invasive Forest Pest Monitoring

  • Dutch elm disease (DED) surveys and emerald ash borer (EAB) monitoring are underway again this season in participating communities.
  • Provincial inspectors will be driving or walking around both public and private properties to look for DED infected trees and elm firewood with bark attached. Elm firewood spreads DED and is illegal to store.
  • Inspectors may be working in the evenings and on weekends.
  • Inspectors wear high-visibility vests and government issued identification.
  • Our staff may not approach every resident or house before entering onto properties to conduct inspections.
  • Inspectors will ring doorbells or knock on doors prior to taking branch samples, marking DED infected trees, or marking elm firewood for removal under the Dutch elm disease management program and The Forest Health Protection Act.
  • Emerald ash borer monitoring traps will be placed in areas throughout southern Manitoba.

Contact Information:

Tree Line:  204-945-7866 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.